Con el interés de dar a conocer, los servicios de calidad que se brindan al ciudadano, con transparencia y pulcritud, y así gestionar y fortalecer la confianza entre el ciudadano y el estado, la Dirección del Hospital Regional Ing. Luis L. Bogaert de la ciudad de Mao, ante la presencia representantes de autoridades provinciales y municipales presentes, personal del centro hospitalario y representantes de medios de comunicación, realizó el lanzamiento de La Carta Compromiso de la institución de salud. Dicha carta, que es la segunda versión aprobada a la institución sanitaria por el Ministerio de Administración Pública ( MAP ). El acto de lanzamiento, se llevó a cabo en el salón de conferencias del hospital .

El Dr. Newton Solano, Director del Luis L. Bogaert, tuvo las palabras centrales del acto y a la vez las explicaciones a los presentes de la importancia del documento compromisario. Presentes en dicho acto, Señora María Francisca Hernández, en representación de la Gobernadora Deysi Aquino, Manuela Azcona, estuvo representando al Dr. Pedro Nicacio, Director de la Provincial de Salud Valverde y el Ing. Hugo Castillo, en representación del Dr. Odalis Rodríguez, alcalde del municipio de Mao.

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    Acquire a virtual number: Why and how to do it?

    Virtual numbers are becoming increasingly popular in the modern world, providing users with convenience and flexibility. In this article we will look at what is a virtual number, why is it needed, and how can you get one.

    What is a virtual number?

    A virtual number is a phone number that is not tied to a specific SIM card or a physical device. It works via the web and possibly used to make and receive calls, also to send and receive SMS news. Virtual numbers are often used to provide anonymity and protect private data.

    To what end buy a virtual number?

    1. Anonymity: Using a virtual number makes it possible to hide your main phone number, which is uniquely useful when communicating with strangers people or when registering on various platforms.

    2. International Calls: Virtual numbers can be used to receive calls from multiple countries at more favorable rates than traditional calls.

    3. Simplifying Business: Companies can use virtual numbers to manage their customer communications. This allows them to control multiple phones and bars more better.

    4. Security: Virtual numbers can be used for two-factor authentication and other security measures because they allow you to receive verification codes without revealing the main number.

    How to Buy a Virtual Number?

    1. Choosing a Provider: Before taking a virtual number, must choose a reliable service provider. There are a huge number of companies available in the bazaar that provide such services. It is recommended to read reviews and rates.

    2. Registration: When purchasing a [url=]numero virtual sms[/url] you need to create an account on the favourite provider’s website. Usually, this involves providing some own data and going through a verification process.

    3. Number selection: After registration, you can select the wanted virtual number. Some providers offer numbers from different countries and regions, as well as the ability to choose a number of your own.

    4. Payment for services: Virtual numbers are offered at different rates. Typically, you can choose between a one-time payment for the number either a monthly subscription.

    5. Setup: After purchasing a number, you will need to set it up by connecting it to your add or telephone set. The provider will provide guides how to process.


    Virtual numbers are a useful tool for privacy and convenience in conversation. Purchasing a virtual number is a routine process that can help both individuals individuals and businesses improve their communication opportunities. However, it is still important to choose high-quality services to get reliable support and services.

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